
6 Killer Mobile Marketing Tips to Pump Up Your Sales

Mobile means vital. Once come from the military sector, mobile devices continue to march victoriously across the various industries: healthcare, agriculture, banking, tourism, trade, etc. We cannot imagine our lives without smartphones. We literally carry a world in our pocket. 

The latest researches show that the number of smartphone users worldwide has increased from 2.5 billion in 2016 to 3.5 billion in 2019 and is predicted to keep growing over the time. 

So how does it change the game?  

For retailers, it means they must hunt their customers via mobile devices (unless their target audience refers to the senior group and shop through PC or offline) to increase sales, and that’s when mobile marketing comes to the scene.

What is mobile marketing?

Mobile marketing is a whole range of marketing activities aimed to reach a target audience via mobile devices. It includes:

  • SMS marketing
  • Location-based marketing
  • Voice marketing  
  • App-based marketing
  • In-app marketing
  • Push notifications
  • QR codes

Of course, every business must use only those mobile marketing tools that match its model and are determined by in-depth customer insights such as off-line and online shopping experience, social and cultural concerns, price expectations, etc. However, passing on the necessity to implement mobile marketing strategies is a sure way to stay behind your competitors. 

people searching in the Internet on the mobile phones

How can mobile marketing help my business?

It’s engaging 

Mobile technologies awaken people’s creativity. Instagram encourages them to post inspiring photos, Tik Tok stands for hilarious videos, and hashtags have become boringly casual in day-to-day communication. 

Young brands can take great advantage of such user-generated content to gain exposure and build brand awareness on a shoestring budget in a short timeframe. 

It makes people pay

One of the most exciting facts about the uprising era of mobile devices is that people are surprisingly comfortable with in-app purchasing.  Studies show that the mobile app market earned $88 billion in 2016 and is predicted to hit an imposing number of $188.9 billion by 2020. What a promising forecast, isn’t it?

person is searching something in the cell phone

How to do mobile marketing?

1. Work on your mobile-friendliness

Every business can earn more with a website, however, despite the well-known fact, and overall awareness of how important the mobile version of a website is, everyone keeps making the same mistakes over and over again.

As a result, choppy navigation, low page speed, and poor fonts keep on repelling visitors instead of driving conversion rates. 

Remember, mobile-friendliness is a strong foundation for mobile marketing, so don’t neglect your website development process or outsource it to professionals.  

 2. Use push notifications

Push notifications are a great mobile marketing tool if used wisely. Wisely, means personally. Segment State of Personalization 2017 shows that 71% of consumers get irritated by impersonal messages, thus,  for your customers not to think of your notification as of annoying distraction, you must segment fiercely. You can perform segmentation by geo, demographic, behavior, or combine several types per campaign for more narrow targeting. 

men is keeping iphone on his hands

3. Go for in-app advertising

Time spent in apps is constantly increasing. According to the Flurry research 2017 people spent 5 hours per day interacting with mobile apps, which means you cannot pass on the opportunity to showcase your product in-app.

The simplest way to create an in-app campaign is to use Google Analytics. The tool allows you to choose both apps categories or specific apps that match your targets and display them on smartphones or tablets.

4. Take advantage of social media

Another time-consuming mobile activity is spending time on social media. People tend to communicate on the go and stay up to date using Facebook and Twitter, so every business nowadays must not only go for paid ads but also work on its social media presence. 

To build an effective SMM strategy it’s important to understand the specifics of each platform and craft your content accordingly. Also, every single post in the feed must provide value to your customers, either it’s entertaining or educational. 

5. Be specific with your ad size

Size matters. After you crafted a fantastic special offer your targets wouldn’t be able to pass on to, focus on the ad size. According to the latest Facebook specifications it must be 1200×628. 

In addition, the text part must not exceed 20% of the image, so check your ad with this Facebook tool, before hitting that “promote” button.

6. Display more payment methods

The greatest disappointment of all times has a name. It is called shopping cart abandonment. 

Rushing to meet all these tres-a-la-mode usability standards, with its chubby buttons and 3-step checkout process, website owners tend to throw away the baby with the bathwater instead of focusing on what matters.

Showing more payment options is one of the most obvious ways to reduce your cart abandonment rate and finalize the checkout process. Yet, not only this stage must be taken into consideration. The catch is, to always keep an eye on the critical pain-points to make your customers’ online journey as smooth as possible.

Now that you have already learned six proven mobile marketing tips on how to promote your business and boost sales, we will look through them once again for you to highlight the most suitable ones:

  • Mobile-friendliness. Remember, mobile doesn’t equal to “smartphones only”
  • In-app advertising. How many apps do you use regularly? Four? five? Or even more? So as your customers.
  • Push-notifications. Use them to quickly measure your offers efficiency
  • Accurate ad size. How devastating it would be if your fantastic offer will be poorly displayed. Stick to 1200×628 size and check in with Facebook Text Overlay Tool Facebook. 
  • More payment methods. You must be ready to accept payments via credit card, e-wallet or whatever your website visitors use to finalize the checkout.
  • Social media. Encourage people to take pictures or make videos with their smartphones to benefit from user-generated content.

Want to dive deeper into the matter? Drop us a line!